Craft Focus - Jun/Jul (Issue 73)

98 Bookstand The latest craft titles to hit the shelves MEND & PATCH Kerstin Neumüller £12.99 9781911624936 Pavilion Billed as a handbook for repairing clothes and textiles, Kerstin Neumüller’s delightful primer shows how to care for cherished garments instead of throwing them away. Packed with advice on combating wear and tear, the book reveals how to mend jeans, repair pockets and get to grips with darning. Covering everything from emergency fixes to invisible repairs, the author draws on her experience as a tailor and co-founder of the Second Sunrise shop and repair studio in Stockholm. We say: This practical volume is perfect for those looking to sharpen their mending skills and lead a more sustainable lifestyle. THE KNITTER’S ACTIVITY BOOK Louise Walker £12.99 ISBN 9781911163596 Collins & Brown Featuring everything from a platypus scarf to a giant crocodile rug, this humorous collection is packed with animal-themed patterns, puzzles, stories and quizzes. Louise Walker, also known as Sincerely Louise, presents a selection of favourite knits, with patterns for wearables and homewares. Fun makes include animal trophy heads, triceratops slippers, a lion coaster and a giant balloon dog. There’s also a crossword, pub quiz and scrap yarn challenge. We say: With 20 patterns inside, this hugely enjoyable guide contains inspiration for both knitting newbies and experienced crafters. Knitting & cr ochet Textiles MAKE & MEND Jessica Marquez £12.99 9781781577271 Featuring 15 Sashiko-inspired embroidery projects, this exquisite volume is perfect for stitchers who wish to improve their skills in an eco- friendly manner. The author shows readers how to apply this Japanese technique in a variety of ways, from repairing tears and altering hems to making decorative pillows, napkins, a tablecloth and tote bag. We say This practical guide requires nothing more than a needle and thread to achieve stunning results. Embr oidery