Craft Focus - Jun/Jul (Issue 67)

54 craft focus Adapted from Knitted Golf Club Covers by Susie Johns. Published by Search Press, RRP £9.99. Call +44 (0)1892 510 850 or visit for more information. THETIGER eye of To make up 1 Pull up tail of yarn to gather stitches at top of cover. Fold cover in half with right sides together and stitch sides together with backstitch seam (alternatively, stitch seam from right side using mattress stitch). Turn right side out. 2 Sew an ear lining into each ear and stitch ears to head. 3 For the muzzle, stitch the side seam, then pin the cast-off edge in place on the front of the head, with the lower edge two rows above the top of the ribbed section and the seam on the underside. Stitch in place, adding stuffing as you go. 4 Stitch the nose strip in place on the top part of the muzzle. Insert the toy safety eyes and fix in place, then thread the tapestry needle with a length of black yarn and, in chain stitch, embroider around eyes, embroider a mouth and create a few stripes on the face, muzzle and the backs of the ears. Nose strip Using 3.25mm (UK 10; US 3) needles and a single strand of yarn B, cast on 2 sts. Row 1 (WS): p to end. Row 2 (RS): k1, M1, k1 (3 sts). Row 3: p to end. Row 4: (k1, M1) twice, k1 (5 sts). Row 5: p to end. Row 6: k1, M1, k to last st, M1, k1 (2 sts inc). Next rows: Rep rows 5 and 6 three times more (13 sts). Next rows: Beg with a p row, work 15 rows in st st. Cast off. Ear (make two) Using 3.25mm (UK 10; US 3) needles and a single strand of yarn B, cast on 18 sts. Row 1: p to end. Row 2: k1, skpo, k5, M1, k2, M1, k5, k2tog, k1. Row 3: p to end. Next rows: Rep rows 2 and 3 five times more. Row 14: k1, skpo, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 (2 sts dec). Row 15: p to end Next rows: Rep rows 14 and 15 three times more (10 sts). Fasten off yarn B and join in yarn A. Row 22: k1, skpo, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 (2 sts dec). Row 23: p to end. Next rows: Rep rows 22 and 23 once more (6 sts). Row 26: k1, skpo, k2tog, k1 (4 sts). Row 27: p to end. Row 28: skpo, k2tog (2 sts). Cut yarn and thread tail through rem sts. Ear Lining (make two) Using 3.25mm (UK 10; US 3) needles and a single strand of yarn C, cast on 16 sts. Beg with a p row, work 13 rows in st st. Row 14: k2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog (2 sts dec). Row 15: p to end. Next rows: Rep rows 14 and 15 until 4 sts rem. Cast off. “I’d like to say Knitted Golf Club Covers was my idea, but it was commissioned by Search Press. However, coming up with a range of projects was up to me, and designing and making all the different covers was hugely enjoyable. I did a lot of research about golf and its origins and asked all the golfers I know for tips and advice. As with everything I do, I started with lots of sketches and drawings, before moving on to sourcing yarn and knitting swatches. I tried to write patterns that beginners could tackle, but experienced knitters would also enjoy.” – Susie Johns.